
Welcome to Mars: A Man's Beginner Experience with Tantric Sex Pt. 2

What up Freakz & Geekz!

Here is Part 2 of our first Welcome to Mars feature by guest blogger @Coreman2200. Share his first experience in the Tantric realm! If this doesn't make you want to take up Tantric I don't know what will. Click here for part 1. Read on...

What makes this whole experience so utterly brilliant (besides the fact that it in my case had been a 1+ hour long orgasmic adventure ;) is that, again, it is like remembering part of you. And since the first time, I have been able to tap back into it without much effort. The lack of control is scary, at first (we’re so accustomed to keeping our composure, even in the privacy of our very own bed rooms), so it may feel bizarre or even scary to give in to what at its most intense can be convulsive fits at even the slightest touch - this can be especially troublesome if you are not wholly in-tune with your partner (new love), or if this is all Self-generated (new Awareness). But let me assure you that the best thing you can do in this space is just to roll with it. For one, control comes in time as you come to See what is going on with your body, and only by letting go can you come to understand this. But in the end, to deny this and not explore it is to deny and ignore your very Self, and this will not do! Fear Not! Free Your Self!
For those curious, here are some tips to get you going and (more or less) on the right track to finding your own tantric adventure. Note that I’m no master at this, and should probably not even offer such advice for that reason. Ha! But I believe in sharing experiences, if for no other reason than to help illuminate someone else’s journey. So I hope these tips help! Here we go:

- Be calm, be patient, be still - Meditate! Meditation in my view is the only reason I was able to get to this other step so fluidly, because a lot of the same efforts are utilized. You have to be comfortable with freeing yourself of your thinking and distractions. It has to be all about you becoming one with and more greatly attuned to your Self. Meditation will most certainly help in this regard.
- If you play music, make sure it is music that resonates with you - flows with you - moves to your specific vibe (and if applicable, to your partners). Otherwise it becomes distracting, and distraction is the Last thing you want on this journey.
- Don’t Stress It. Just as in meditation, the point is not to think about meditating, itself, or your wants/desires, but clearing your Mind, and clearing away all the clutter (distraction) so that the Self  can speak through you directly, clearly.
- Find a book on Tantric exercises/massages/sexuality and become Aware of steps they suggest (breathing techniques, massages, settings and misc. ambiance adjustments) - to know how/where to touch your Self and/or your partner when the time comes is Very useful!
- I think this is the most important tip: Be Aware of your Energy and all the energy around you. It is Key. It is in fact what you are feeling - the loving rhythmic dance and caress of energy between you, perhaps a partner, and all of your surrounding Universe.

Dive In!


Rest assured we will be blogging further with the Core himself! And look out for more info on the Tantric experience right here!

*Get Freaked & Geeked*

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