
Welcome to Mars: A Man's Beginner Experience with Tantric Sex Pt. 1

Hey Freakz & Geekz!

Long time no freakydeeky!... Actually I hope you've been getting freaky without me! ;-) It has been a while, just know that good things are in the works - Freakygeeky good things! 

Welcome to Mars is my effort to incorporate the first person male perspective & experience to Freakz & Geekz! All articles under this series will be, of course, be by a MAN :-). So...

Without further ado let me introduce you to @Coreman2200A soulful, spiritual, smart, sexy tweep of mine - equal parts freak and geek... sometimes. (Google him!...Seriously) A few weeks ago he let the cat out the bag that he received his book on the Art of tantric sex in the mail. Well that was all I needed to see in my timeline! I invited him to write a blog for F&G about his particular experience as a beginner to the world of Tantric sex, amd he kindly obliged. I've always been interested in tantric - specifically because it allows the mind to exist on a higher plane, and take the body with it into blissful euphoria ... YES! (uhhh... got a little carried away there :-$)... so I think it was fate, me catching his tweet. Below is part 1 of 2 on his personal experience. Also, make sure to visit Coreman2200's blog here.

I had an important first, this week. One of beautiful Self Growth. One of profound Self-Awareness. A few days ago, in what started as a normal meditation session, I had my very first and very own Tantric Experience. And oh, what an experience it was! Nothing in the All of my days aptly compares to what had happened over the course of this wondrous (almost 2 hour long) expansion of my essence, so it will be hard to describe. It will take different strokes, means, and levels of effort for each individual to reach this plateau, themselves. Therefor, I aim not to give you some sort of how-to guide hindered by the limits of my own experience. What I’d like to share are the very smallest aspects of this experience, that which could possibly ever make sense in words, such that you might be inclined, too, to explore your Self.
        And that, I believe, is the most important thing gained of this - the finding more of your very Self. The whole affair had been like having the most sacred and sensual aspects of you that you’ve ever forgotten caressed -slowly, compassionately- not by one hand but infinity; not by one frail form but with the force and will of all the Universe. Its a dance of chaos and rhythm, internal stillness and incessant vibration. Its like the skin no longer serves as a barrier and limit between you and all else, but at the same time keeps the radiating, pulsating, vibrating energy bouncing around inside of you. You absorb energy from every touch (Every), and as it takes concerted efforts to release it, everything is compounded. The pleasure of this is tantamount to having orgasms explode atop yet other orgasms. Endlessly. Freely. Wondrously.
        It can be overwhelming, especially for men like myself. For one, there’s a certain amount of control that you have to hand over to the experience, itself - namely, all of it. You are not supposed to control this experience by the conventional means by which we are accustomed (force). Two, we are not regularly Aware of full body orgasms... Unless, well, it’s been a while. My body grew numb, first at my furthest reaches (the fingertips and toes, crown..) from my core (which by feel I would have to say was within me, right below my belly button), which seemed to be calling toward it all of this feeling and sensitivity. Then intense vibrations, again ever-building, explode within you, and any vibrations/energy you feel only add to this. I listen to music when I meditate, and that, too, had a very real and very physical effect.

Look out for PART 2 which will include tips on how to get a start on your Tantric experience!

*Cory 2200 is Owner and lead designer for 2200 Designs. Too much on this man's mind to be completely content. His question to you: Who are you and why are you Here?


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