
The Sex Tape Dilemma

No . . . I'm not thinking of making one, but I do feel the need to weigh in on the celebrity sex tape fad that has trickled down to celebrity offspring and wanna-be's.

Enter Montana, 19 year old daughter of Lawrence Fishburne. . . You know. . . Morpheus from The Matrix. Blue Pill or Red pill? Well apparently his daughter is swallowing a whole lot more than pills nowadays. Pics of Montana on the set of her debut porno flick have surfaced, and the tape is set to be released soon. 

I have no qualms about an adult making a sound decision to go into the porn industry but if it is true that her motivations lie in an envy of the Kim Kardashian's of the world who have profitted from a sex tape release then let us just mourn for teenagers the world over. 
"I view making this movie as an important first step in my career," she says. "I've watched how successful Kim Kardashian became and I think a lot of it was due to the release of her sex tape by Vivid. I'm hoping the same magic will work for me. I'm impatient about getting well-known and having more opportunities and this seemed like a great way to get started on it." - from www.salon.com 
I can understand how going to Vivid Ent. seemed like a smart decision - actually having "control" over the dissemination of her sex tape. But that may be THE point she is missing.

Whether these "celebs" had a hand in the release of their sextapes or not, the fact remains that they, at least in the cases of Kim K and Paris Hilton, did not let it be known that their intention was to become a star; that their sex tape was a foot in the door. Let's face it, the pre-celeb versions of the two had "people" i.e. Public Relations firms. People that knew how to take advantage of the chaos.

One can argue that Kim K's and Paris' fame did not just come from the release of the sex tape, but from the publicity gained in the fight to STOP the release of said sex tape. I don't know too much about Kim K prior to the tape (I've seen mentioned somewhere that she was a celeb stylist? idk), and we all know that Paris was just famous for being a Hilton. But the point is that opportunity for redemption was created because the release appeared to be unintentional on the part of the celeb on many levels. It was low quality vid, and there was that "girl at home quality... the kind that makes a regular dude think they could be with her and makes a regular chick think they could be her - The Relatable Factor.

So when Vivid Ent. describes Montana, (or Chippy D as she'll be known) as
". . . the talk of the Hollywood cocktail circuit and the talk is hot! Montana Fishburne, the daughter of the acting legend and the wild girl who couldn’t be tamed...caught doing the deed, every which way! From prick-teasing in a mall, to getting down in a car, to ravaging her man in a hotel room, this A-list daughter has an X-rated mind! She is nasty, dirty and filthy...she looks like a princess and acts like a porn star. Montana...it sure is hot this time of year." 
the TRF is lost at "daughter of the acting legend" and the fact that they stop a hair follicle circumference short of dropping dad's name. The redemption factor is already lost since there will definitely not be any legal backlash. 

I really hope that it works for her, getting her foot in the door and all, if not she'll have to be removing her foot from her mouth along with other phallic appendages.

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