

Freakz and Geekz alike,

Did you know that more than half of all Americans get a sexually transmitted disease or infection at some time in their lives?

Welcome to my first FreakznGeekz PSA. Here we are all about adventure, little to no judgement (a human does write this thing after all), sex appeal, pleasure, and confidence. Yes we are all about sex... and so saying it would be remiss of me not to address the complications that come along with the act. As with most things in life that society has established a position from which it looks down upon the rebels, revolutionaries and mold breakers, there are rules, regulations, taboos, norms, accepted behavior etc. Despite all this, there is one topic that even a rebel, outcast, geek or *freak* cannot avoid....

(drum roll please) SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS/DISEASES (I would add children but... that's another blog)

Regardless of how you deal with this topic as an individual, how you have been told to deal with it in your culture, or how you have felt pressured to deal with it by your affiliates the significance and importance of GETTING TESTED and KNOWING YOUR STATUS ONLY INCREASES IN URGENCY. The more you tap into your sexual Vespucci or De Gama the more important it will be for you to get tested. And even more so if you happen to be allergic to the mere thought of sexual monogamy.

It is scary, yes. Your sexual his/herstory will most likely flash before your eyes... and depending on your activity that flash may be a short film or full feature movie.
It is scary, yes. But it is absolutely necessary. Knowing is better than not knowing any day. How can you be truly confident, pleasured and pleasurable, sexy and adventurous while wallowing in oblivion and denial??

I don't care how anti-norm or anti-establishment you are. And If you don't have insurance that is irrelevant.

What is relevant is your responsibility to yourself and your partner(s). It only takes one time - one condom breaking, one misuse of the condom, one time in the throes of never ending passion, one unfaithful partner, one lie... to drastically change your life.

HIV/AIDS is a real issue. So is Herpes, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Chlamydia, Hepatitis (and the list goes on).We are not invincible just because we are young. Some of these STI's, if undetected can cause major reproductive organ complications, blindness, and even death.

SO... once again go GET TESTED. 
  • Most sites offer anonymous testing so don't worry about revealing your identity. 
  • If you are worried about the time constraint (which is silly since you should always make time for your health) there are rapid testing options which will give you your HIV results in less than half hour in some instances. Other STI tests may take longer. 
  • Some sites do not even require that you return to get your results many have gone hi tech and you log in to a web site with a unique pin and ID number to retrieve your results.

Big woman and big man ting dem, require big woman and big man decisions!!!

Here's a few links to get you started on your road to being enlightened:

Google: DUH :) google still has ev-er-ythang... just type "free HIV (or STD) testing" and your zip code, city, or state


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